Cita Citrawinda is a registered IP Consultant and Mediator for Law Office CITA CITRAWINDA NOERHADI & ASSOCIATES. The founder of the company, Dr. Cita Citrawinda continues to offer a broad range of legal services which are primarily for the protection of all kinds of intellectual property. CCN Office has grown to become one of Indonesia’s leading Intellectual Property law firms dedicated to high quality legal work on IP matters.
Her expertise in intellectual property has seen her involvement in litigious IP matters and frequently involves in many government activities among others as member of IP Expert Team of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of The Republic of Indonesia (2015, 2014, 2013, 2012).
She is the President of Indonesian Intellectual Property Attorneys Association (AKHKI), Indonesian Group Council Member of ASEAN Intellectual Property Association (AIPA); Country Head of the Indonesia Group of Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Intellectuelle (AIPPI) and Trade Secret Committee; Committee of Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA); Vice Chairman of Indonesian Intellectual Property Academy (IIPA); Lecturer of Economy Law of Intellectual Property Rights in Master Program in Law Faculty, University of Indonesia, Lecturer of Intellectual Property Rights in University of Krisnadwipayana, Lecturer of Patent in Pharmaceutical in PhD Program in Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia; and also Lecturer of Law of Wealth in Notary Master Program in Law Faculty, University of Pelita Harapan.